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Bill Gross To Sell U.S. Stamp Collection Estimated At US$40 Million

FYI: The Janus bond fund manager is only the second person to have acquired a full set of U.S. 19th century postage stamps.


  • edited May 2018
    Uh-oh, looks like someone is getting ready to retire...

    Sometimes I feel certain "Stores" of value is a convenience for the rich. Like Crap Paintings "You don't understand" from 400 years back, by certain Europeans selling for Millions, only because the rich decide to value it amongst themselves for a certain amount. This way they can have a "Store of Value", and they can "value" it at whatever amount, and then always be able to borrow against it making millions from millions.

    Old Paintings are the ANALog equivalent of Bitcoin today. Value it for WTF you want.
    Stamp collections are maybe Ripple. Try using the 19th century stamp for actually mailing something to someone. Oh no, but they are worth 40 freakin million to someone who has 40 freakin million lying around.
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