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edited May 2018 in Fund Discussions
AGEPX EM Bonds. Zilch available at M* about this fund.
Yet, a 4-star rating? Divs. look good compared to PREMX and FNMIX.


  • On the fund's profile page at Morningstar, click on the link that says "coming soon: see a preview of our new fund profile page." It seems to have a bit more information there.

    The fund's homepage is

    Symbol is AGEPX. We have it launching in 2014 and outperforming substantially: average return of 29% verus 20% for its peers, though this fund targets frontier rather than emerging markets.

  • Thanks for the info. and the correction, David.
  • At their webpage: Monthly Fund Update is listed and clickable. I clicked on it. Then you must sign-in, to be able to read it. That's just very suck-ass.
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