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Bespoke’s Sector Snapshot — 4/26/18

FYI: Below is one of the many charts included in this week’s Sector Snapshot, which highlights the percentage of stocks in each S&P 500 sector that are trading above their 50-day moving averages. As shown, breadth for the S&P 500 remains below 50% with 45% of stocks in the index currently above their 50-DMAs. Unfortunately, the key cyclical sectors of the market like Industrials, Consumer Discretionary, Technology, and Financials all have readings below 45%.


  • edited April 2018
    Bespoke is one of my favorite data/trend analysis groups, and in case anyone's interested, I'll point out that they're posting a lot of great info via Seeking Alpha these days, in concise, right to the point, digestible bites. SA is routinely panned because there's no vetting of the writing, but here and there, you can find top-notch analysis if you look, and Bespoke is near the top of the list for me. You don't have to be a Bespoke premium member to read or receive these posts thru SA.

    Here's their article index. For example, I received links to the top two pieces this morning:

    A piece on the post-earnings report buying/selling pattern by sector: selling tech & industrials, buying health, utes, & reits - a pattern they don't consider "very bullish."

    A short analysis of the GDP report: Q1 weaker than Q4 '17, but not by as much as expected. First quarters are "always the least accurate," though, so expect a revision later.

    Best, AJ
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