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Behind The Newest Real Estate ETF: (PPTY)

FYI: Vident is an interesting emerging ETF provider, structured as a trust where trustees make sure profits are used for the benefit only of the ETF shareholders. It’s a corporate setup that in a way reflects Vident’s principles-based approach to investing, and one that’s attracting investor attention, particularly those focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. The company has brought to market five ETFs through third-party provider Exchange Traded Concepts, and today oversees about $2 billion in ETF assets. Vident’s CEO Vince Birley offers some insight into Vident’s latest ETF launch, the U.S. Diversified Real Estate ETF (PPTY), and the firm’s overall mission in the ETF space.


  • Thx Ted. This looks like the kind of RE fund I would consider buying .... and might just do so.
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