FYI: Below is a look at the 2018 YTD performance of 76 country stock markets around the world. For each country, we generally use its most widely quoted stock market index, and returns are shown in local currencies.
The average year-to-date performance of the 76 countries shown is a gain of 1.66%. Of the 76 countries, 44 are up, while 32 are down. Note that five of the seven “G7” developed countries are performing in the bottom half of the group, with only Italy and France ranking in the top half. The US ranks 44th out of 76 with a near flat-line change of +0.02% on the year. Of the remaining G7 countries, Japan, Germany, the UK, and Canada are all in the red by -2.9% or more.
Just six countries have posted gains of more than 10% on the year, with Ukraine leading the way at +17.78%. Bermuda, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Brazil round out the top six. There are eight countries down more than 5%, with the Philippines, Dubai UAE, and China at the bottom of the list.