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M*: A Tumultuous First Quarter For International-Stock Funds

FYI: International-stock funds faced a topsy-turvy investment environment in the first quarter of 2018. The year started off positively as the generally favorable macroeconomic, geopolitical, and corporate conditions of 2017 persisted. The MSCI ACWI ex USA Index returned 5.6% in U.S. dollar terms in January, while the French, German, Japanese, and several other developed exchanges posted mid-single-digit gains, and the Brazilian, Chinese, and a few other emerging markets earned somewhat higher returns.


  • PRIDX holds mostly int'l DEVELOPED market stuff, with SOME of the EM. Mostly small and mid-caps. In 1st quarter: +2.35%. I care about that one, cuz I own it. YTD: +2.24%.
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