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  • Ted April 2018
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Oh, Fudge !!! The POTUS be continued.....

Ralphie's family, after having been somewhat burned with investments during the market melt of 2008; and having watched the market returns over the years and especially the run up after the November 2016 elections had finally decided they needed to go all in again into the continued equity run. Large cap growth remained a long term winner, so all in with FSUPX; a typical large cap growth index fund offered within their investment firm at a reasonable e.r.
They're frustrated at the moment, as their purchase date of January 26, 2018 may have been a near term high point, and their equity portfolio is down -8% at this point (April 6, 2018).
The family's primary wish for today is that the "twitter" rhetoric for singular policy and processes emanating from the office of the president will not be the final word of their country. They have recently learned one important fact of their government. How did congress give away the power of tariff to a single person? They might as well given the singular power to launch codes and the red button control, too. The family comments among themselves, "pretty scary stuff".
I offer a metaphor view for the POTUS effect and Ralphie's family reborn investment desires and their current monetary uneasiness.

---The hub cap is the holder of their investments; a supposed, assumed safe representation of their country's stability.
---The lug nuts are the hard earned investment dollars.
---The "word" is the personal release of the frustration with policy and process of a POTUS, the family awaits the verdict.

Oh, well; just one person's metaphoric view of circumstances. Modus operandi is often difficult to measure outcomes into the future. My "A.I." machine is unable to provide a future view, and the magic 8-Ball fell to the floor and leaked away the fluid.
Have a good remainder.


  • TedTed
    edited April 2018
    @catch22: "Oh, well; just one person's metaphoric view of circumstances. Modus operandi is often difficult to measure outcomes into the future. My "A.I." machine is unable to provide a future view, and the magic 8-Ball fell to the floor and leaked away the fluid." Catch don't call SNL, they'll call you !

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