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The War Between Fear And Evidence

FYI: On Evidence-Based Investing and How You Can Profit From It


  • Hi Guys,

    I post to alert you to this fine article. Far too few of us have visited it and it is about to disappear onto page two of this active site. It might be painful if it hits to close to home.

    If we lose the war between fear and evidence we almost guarantee ourselves poor investing performance.

    Much has been written about investing. I recently recommended William Bernstein's "The Four Pillars of Investing" which both my wife and I read long ago. Yesterday, I decided to reread it. I also like "Decision Traps" by Russo and Schoemaker. It identifies 10 barriers that encourage fear over evidence and how to overcome that losing characteristic. Here is a Link to an excellent 4 page summary of that work:

    It is well worth the little time that the read costs. It just might improve your odds for investing success. I hope so.

    Best Wishes
  • >> Somewhere between 70 and 80% of all gunshot victims survive their shooting.

    Well, then. Whew!
  • MJG said:

    Hi Guys,

    I post to alert you to this fine article. Far too few of us have visited it and it is about to disappear onto page two of this active site. It might be painful if it hits to close to home.

    If we lose the war between fear and evidence we almost guarantee ourselves poor investing performance.

    Much has been written about investing. I recently recommended William Bernstein's "The Four Pillars of Investing" which both my wife and I read long ago. Yesterday, I decided to reread it. I also like "Decision Traps" by Russo and Schoemaker. It identifies 10 barriers that encourage fear over evidence and how to overcome that losing characteristic. Here is a Link to an excellent 4 page summary of that work:

    It is well worth the little time that the read costs. It just might improve your odds for investing success. I hope so.

    Best Wishes

    Thanks for this thing. I'll give it another look soon, when it's not so late in the day. But I will say that the summary piece SERIOUSLY needs to be proof-read. It's a lot of work to simply READ it, let alone understand it.
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