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Stunned Investors Reap 95% Gains On Defaulted Puerto Rico Bonds

FYI: Of all the wild, head-scratching moves in financial markets this year, there are few that have surprised investors quite as much as the rally in defaulted Puerto Rico bonds. “It just blows my mind,” says Matt Dalton, chief executive officer of Belle Haven Investments.


  • I don't know why anyone's surprised. I sold off a PR bond at the end of last year for tax purposes. What better reason is there for PR bonds to double in price than that?

    (A small position, made smaller by the low price. Twice very little is still very little, so I didn't lose much by selling.)
  • I just had a hunch that that $2,000,000 that I bet on PR bonds at the end of last year was going to be a winner!! Yes!!
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