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MAPOX 1st Q div. 2018

Payable March 28. I found it recorded in my own account this morning. The amount is the customary .50 cents per share.


  • edited March 2018
    Ah, but tis all about total return on an investment, yes? A dividend or capital gain is the extra gravy.
    MAPOX is performing pretty good, compared to similar funds.
  • Not even extra gravy, just one of the ingredients in that gravy. Yes, it's all about total return.
  • For me the extra gravy would be discovering MAPOX is a ntf fund on any of the major brokerage platforms.
  • I've been in since 2012. Performance vs. peers is just fair to middling over the past 5 years. It looks good indeed, going back TEN years. More recently, it is a "cellar dweller" as we say in baseball. (But not about the Cubs any longer! ;))
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