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John Waggoner: How The Taxman Hit 10 Big Funds

FYI: (Click On Article Title At Top Of Google Search)

Stock investors have had a terrific 10 years: The Standard & Poor's 500 stock index has rocked along at a 9.73% pace through the end of February. Unfortunately, the taxman takes his toll — more on some than others. How did the 10 largest stock funds shape up after taxes? Here they are, ranked by post-tax returns. Dividends, gains reinvested through Feb. 28.

1. T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth
2. T. Rowe Price Growth Stock
3. Vanguard PrimeCap
4. Fidelity Contrafund
5. American Funds AMCAP A
6. American Funds Growth Fund of America A
7. Dodge & Cox Stock
8. American Funds Fundamental Investors A
9. American Funds Washington Mutual A
10. American Funds Investment Company of America A


  • Shame on the publication for sensational headlines and forced-thru clickbaiting. Slideshow 'articles' must die a violent fiery death!

    Thx Ted for offering the summary list.
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