The funds with MBS exposure performed well today ala ANGIX, PONDX, and even PTTDX but no great shakes. This sector of bondland has been rallying strongly for weeks so at least some weren't surprised by today's QE announcement. Junk was basically unchanged to up a tad and this market has also been on fire this month. Emerging market bonds were unchanged to lower. I am not a technical overbought and oversold aficionado as markets can stay that way for weeks and months at a time. But as my technical analyst friend says about many areas in bondland such as junk and MBS, "they are really, really overbought at these levels". So we shall see what occurs now that the QE 3 suspense is out of the way.
ACITX +(0.90%)
DGCIX +(0.16%)
DIHYX +(0.22%)
DPFFX +(0.21%)
FAGIX +(0.21%)
FBNDX +(0.25%)
FHIIX +(0.13%)
FINPX +(0.90%)
FNMIX -(0.06%)
FRIFX +(0.35%)
FSICX +(0.18%)
FTBFX +(0.18%)
LSBDX +(0.53%)
OPBYX +(0.43%)
PTTRX +(0.44%)
SPHIX +(0.11%)
PLDDX +(0.38%)
PONDX +(0.33%)
The big bang was in TIPs. If one can maintain a +.25%/week; there will be no whining and moaning. Money will double every 5.5 years.