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In this Discussion

  • msf March 2018
  • Ted March 2018
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Morningstar Ratings To Expand Six-Fold, To 10K Funds

edited March 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: Morningstar is rolling out an automated system that will expand its analyst rating system to nearly all of the open-end funds and ETFs it tracks.

Advisors should see the new Quantitative Rating system on the Morningstar Advisor workstation by the end of this month, Morningstar officials said Wednesday.


  • Ted does not have a mole inside Morningstar. Here's the Financial Advisors article I think he intended to link to:

    I get the feeling that M* is flinging around terms to make things sound more impressive. The FA article, like M*'s FAQ, speaks of a rules-based system. But M*'s paper on this system (linked to in the FA article) talks about statistical models, and says it makes minimal use of rules - just to avoid anomalies (two different share classes of one fundhaving different Process or Parent ratings, taking Analyst Parent rating if it exists over the statistical rating in case they differ).

    The FA article talks about "how the automated methodology performs with out-of-sample data, that is, in real time". Out of sample and real time are simply different concepts. The former deals with testing a model using data other than that used to build the model; the latter deals with speed, e.g. is the analysis batched overnight (likely, since MF data is reported daily), or is it processed as it comes in.

    Whatever. A drawback of statistical models is that they're lousy at explanations. That's what analyst reports do, and why I am skeptical of the value in these "quantitative" ratings. Single numbers such as star ratings convey fairly limited information. Here where the information is already speculative (forward looking) to begin with, "Gold", "Silver" and "Bronze" ratings without explanation likely won't help much.
  • @msf: Thanks, for bailing me out !
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