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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Jonathan Clement's Blog:

FYI: BACK IN THE EARLY 1990s, Donna and I were raising a young family, buying our first home and running a small business. We didn’t have a dime in any proper investment vehicles, as there weren’t an awful lot of dimes to spare. Somewhere in the fire and smoke, I received a copy of the Sound Mind Investing Handbook by Austin Pryor.

The book was easy to read and put a number of basic investing concepts within my feeble grasp. More important, over time, it made me feel like I could win at the investing game and encouraged me to get started sooner rather than later. Subsequently, I became a fan of


  • Trying to sell a newsletter I would call this Fake news.
  • Meh ... I wouldn't describe it as "fake" at all, in the sense that JC has no financial stake and clearly identifies the costs and benefits of membership. Not "news," but Humble Dollar doesn't claim to be a news source. It's a long-time columnist's personal platform for encouraging better behalf from investors.

    The question is why you'd become a member. Judged by financial returns, the SMI strategies - embodied in several mutual funds - is only okay. If the case is that they help you think more clearly and provide risk-moderated platforms for pursuing your goal, it might be more compelling.


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