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How Amazon’s Bottomless Appetite Became Corporate America’s Nightmare

FYI: Amazon makes no sense. It’s the most befuddling, illogically sprawling, and—to a growing sea of competitors—flat-out terrifying company in the world.


  • Is the new normal dis-inflation?

    The "Amazon effect" appears to be very dis-inflationary along with other new efficiencies and here comes the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

    The old business model (promoted by the Fed) is a 2% inflation target. The new business model seems to be 2% or more dis-inflation along with many other disruptions.
  • edited March 2018
    I think the company is overextending itself, especially in the food space. I don't think the Whole Foods acquisition will be the game changer everyone is claiming. All of the things that are Amazon's advantages--warehouses instead of brick and mortar stores, disenfranchised oppressed workforce that's out of sight of the average consumer, cheap knockoffs, tax advantages--don't apply at local Wholefoods supermarkets.
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