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In this Discussion

  • bee March 2018
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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IBD: New Portfolio Managers Turn Around USAA Aggressive Growth Fund: (USAUX)

FYI: What accounts for USAA Aggressive Growth Fund's (USAUX) tidy gain so far this year? In terms of holdings, the credit goes to Amazon (AMZN), Mastercard (MA), (CRM) and Booking Holdings (BKNG) (formerly Priceline).

But those stocks might not have had meaningful positions in the portfolio were it not for new fund managers John Jares and Craig Behnke, who took the reins of the fund in August last year.

M* Snapshot USAUX:


  • USAUX is out performing the S&P 500 TR Index as well as the Large Growth Category Average over the last year...good job. That said, this managed approach to Large Growth stills struggles to outperform other in house Large Growth funds like NASDAQ Index, USNQX or another USAA managed fund, USSCX.

    USSCX is Tech fund that reaches deeper into Fin-Tech and Industrial-Tech and with a fair amount of Healthcare. USSCX might be a more interesting.

    Performance speaks for itself:
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