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2018's Richest Fundsters Are ...

FYI: In 2018, the richest fundster in the U.S. continues to be Abby
This week Forbes unveiled the 2018 edition of its famous list of
the world's billionaires, now 2,208 people long and 32 years
running. Here are the billionaire fundsters (and fundsteradjacent
billionaires) who made the 2018 list.


  • beebee
    edited March 2018
    Wonder if more of their wealth was accumulated base on fees (AUM fees) verses investment returns? Me thinks collecting fees to run the funds they offer. Less risk....more reward.

    Interesting no one from Vanguard shows up on the list.
  • @bee & MFO Members: "Interesting no one from Vanguard show up on the list." Here's the reason why:
    Vanguard has a fairly unique structure in terms of investment management companies. The company is owned by its funds. The company’s different funds are then owned by the shareholders. Thus, the shareholders are the true owners of Vanguard. The company has no outside investors other than its shareholders. Most of the major investment firms are publicly traded. (Source: Investopedia)

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