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The World's Largest Tech ETF Just Reeled In $616 Million In One Day: (XLK)

FYI: Investors just poured heaps of cash into the $21 billion Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund, the largest ETF globally tracking stocks of technology companies. Known by its ticker XLK, the fund has been a go-to bet for buyers looking for cheap and broad tech exposure, charging a low expense ratio of 13 basis points. The fund saw almost $616 million in inflows on Thursday, the most since December 2011, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

M* Snapshot XLK:

Lipper Snapshot XLK:

XLK Is Ranked #3 In The (T) ETF Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • edited March 2018
    I'm not surprised with the inbound money flow as last week XLK became a member of Old_Skeet's lead pack and this week became the lead hound within my 500 Compass.
  • beebee
    edited March 2018

    Any sense, as the year progresses (since it has its has more bends and straight aways ahead), that certain sectors/funds look more persistent to you? Increased volatility has acted as a headwind to certain hounds in my portfolio, yet others seem to shrug it off. This second wave of upside to the market has me realizing that if this continues I will have a very bifurcated portfolio.

    Some funds are up big (POAGX). POAGX has fallen back less and moving forward faster than the rest of the pack. Others funds such as Real Estate-centric (FRIFX) has lost its way down the track from the start of the year are has fallen further behind as each month falls away.

    I would consider this an opportunity to reallocate, but my conviction to funds like FRIFX make this a tough trade. Also, momentum is a powerful force in the market and when it moves in the right direct I tend to let it run. I tend to own funds that act a bit more like Rabbits and Turtles, rather than Hounds.

    Rabbit Funds vs Turtle Funds vs Snail Funds:

    To put my question to you another way, when your "rabbit funds" are so far ahead of your "turtle funds", do you reduce the number of rabbits and buy more turtles? If so, what are some of your favorite "turtle funds"?

    I consider a "turtle fund" a slow but steady forward moving investment that out paces inflation over time. FRIFX was earmark as one of my turtle funds (do turtles have ears?). This fund seems to be slowing down to "smell the daisy's of disinflation" as well as gazing at "the the rising moon of interest rates". Not interested in Snail Finds.

    Thanks for stopping by the cheap seats at the race track.
  • edited March 2018
    Hi @bee,

    Thanks for your inquiry.

    My rabbit funds would be those found in the growth area of my portfolio. An example of these would be those funds found in my large/mid sleeve, my global growth sleeve, my speciality sleeve and my small/mid cap sleeve. Naturally, my spiffs would be considered rabbit funds as well. Pulling an example from each sleeve would be SPECX, IIVAX, SMCWX, LPEFX & PCLAX (prior spiff).

    My turtle funds would be found in the growth & income fund area of my portfolio and would be those found in my domestic equity and global equity sleeves. They are more of the value type equity funds. Pulling an example from each sleeve would be FDSAX and DEQAX.

    My turtle funds would be my hybrid funds along with funds held within my income sleeve. I have three sleeves of hybrid type funds one being a hybrid income sleeve, another being my global hybrid sleeve and then there is the domestic hybrid sleeve plus an income fund sleeve. An example coming from each sleeve would be ISFAX, TIBAX, AMECX and NEFZX.

    I hope this information will somehow be helpful.


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