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Consuelo Mack's WealthTrack Encore: Guest: Ed Hyman & Matthew McLennan Part 2

March 8, 2018

Dear WEALTHTRACK Subscriber,

Keeping track of the myriad of disruptive technologies shaking up business and the markets is a daunting task. It requires familiarity with multiple disciplines, industries and global markets. In preparation for moderating a panel on the destruction and disruptions caused by digital technologies, I was sent a collection of brief essays from the host firm, Thornburg Investment Management, a well-regarded global firm managing both fixed income and equity portfolios and funds. With their permission, I am sharing it with you on our website, WEALTHTRACK.COM. I’ll be delving into several of the topics covered on future WEALTHTRACKS, including the widespread impact of the FAANGs (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google/Alphabet), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics.

On the program this week, while public television continues its spring fund raising drive, we will be listening to part 2 of our rare annual outlook with Ed Hyman and Matthew McLennan. Last week we focused on the U.S. economy and markets. This week we expand our horizons to the world at large. Hyman’s “global growth accelerating” theme has definitely picked up steam and McLennan’s insights on political and financial risks have also proven prescient.

For those of you not familiar with Ed Hyman, he is the founder and chairman of Evercore ISI and the record holder for being voted the number one economist on Wall Street for an incredible 37 years in the Institutional Investor’s survey of professional investors because of his must read, brief and easily understood daily reports on trends in global economies and markets.

Matthew McLennan, another WEALTHTRACK regular over the years, heads up the Global Value team at First Eagle Investment Management where he is also portfolio manager for several funds, including the flagship First Eagle Global Fund, which he took over from legendary value manager Jean-Marie Eveillard a decade ago. McLennan is a worthy successor. The global fund has been a top performer among world allocation funds for years and is known for its superior risk-adjusted returns.

Thank you for watching. Have a great weekend and make the week ahead a profitable and a productive one.

Best regards,



  • beebee
    edited March 2018
    @Ted, daylight savings may have impacted this link...its one year old.

    Consuelo didn't do an interview this weekend, but has a reading assignment for us all:
    Thornburg Capital's 2018 Outlook-Riding Disruptive Innovations Return Curve
  • edited March 2018
    "Encore" at WT means "repeat." The PBS program last week and this were repeats of Hyman & McLennan's January (2018) two-part (U.S. and international) annual outlook interviews. (I always wonder why PBS shows reruns during a significant chunk of the lo-oo-ong pledge-athons; seems pretty clearly a disincentive to tune in.)
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