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The Best Sector Of This Bull Market Is The ‘Greatest Investment Story Ever Told’ (PNQI) - (FDN)

FYI: While the strategy of investing in internet-related companies will likely always be first associated with the dot-com era, the long-lived bull market has proved to be just as strong a period for a sector that has influenced nearly every aspect of the economy.

Friday marks the ninth anniversary of the financial crisis bottom, and since that period—by one measure, the start of the current bull market—internet stocks have been among the best performers on Wall Street.

M* Snapshot PNQI:

M* Snapshot FDN:


  • "The greatest story ever told." Didn't Jesus have something to say about the "eye of the needle?"

  • @Lewis: "The greatest story ever told" is the one your going to have ready for me to link from tomorrow's Barron's.
  • KWEB (Chinese Internet) since inception has been a bit more volatile than PNQI, but equally as impressive:
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