Not to diminish efforts by all others involved with the site upgrade; but I am fully aware of the time and efforts put forth by Accipiter and Old_Joe to continue to make MFO one of the "best on the web" sites to gain knowledge about all things related to investing our hard earned monies in mutual funds.
Accipiter and Old_Joe's efforts continue to be a "work in progress" going forward.
My most sincere thank you to both of you for your efforts and spirit of thought, to make our world here, at MFO; a much better place.
thx Hank and Catch22
unlike Chip and Old Joe who have also worked on this project upgrade who have recovered I assume, I am still clearing out the lactic acid from my muscles after this race. I suspect I will be fully recovered shortly (or longly). I suspect reading a few books, not spending so much time on the computer, and some sleep will help in the process