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Barron's Cover Story: The Housing Market’s Rebound Is Far From Over

FYI: The U.S. housing market’s thunderous crash a decade ago helped bring the global economy and financial system to their knees. But those dark days seem like a distant memory now, as For Sale signs sprout on suburban lawns—a sure sign of spring—and Open House events in many locales attract a crush of prospective buyers.


  • XHB and IYR are two ETFs that are exposed to this sector.

    Seeking Alpha Article:
    iShares U.S. Real Estate ETF (IYR) has delivered a NEGATIVE total return (-2.9%) over the last year, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq have gained +17.7% and +28.9%, respectively. And the REIT performance is even worse when you look across certain sub-sectors. Additionally metrics worth noting is short interest (a lot of investors are still betting against certain REITs by selling them short)
  • edited March 2018
    "THE BIGGEST RISK to the housing market’s health today is interest rates, which have been creeping higher. "

    In my mind, increasing interest rates will cap any gains for the US housing market, with the exception of a few "hot" cities.

    So weird to see "bullish" articles from Barrons.
  • edited March 2018
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