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Consuelo Mack's WealthTrack : Guest: Chuck Royce, Foiunder, Chairman, & Manager, Royce Funds

FYI: A rare interview with small-cap pioneer Chuck Royce on the evolving international and income opportunities in small company stocks.

Royce Funds Website:

M* Royce Family Of Funds:


  • beebee
    edited February 2018
    TCMPX seems like a good choice in this space. Thanks @JoJo26 and @msf for mentioning this fund to MFO readers. Along with PRIDX (mentioned in video) GIRLX looks solid as well.
  • I'm not sure I deserve any credit here - @JoJo26 is the big fan, though I may have mentioned it - but thanks anyway.
  • @bee,

    Like I've said, investors must utilize their risk budget wisely. Go active where inefficiencies lie and managers can add value. Int'l small-mid cap is one of the few areas left. You can't go wrong with Grandeur Peak either in this space. LMCG (ISMRX) isn't bad either for a more risk-aware, lower tracking error strategy (but limited assets).
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