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  • How can anyone put a number on the chances? It's rather absurd.
  • People like to hear numbers so you throw it out there. Of course they really mean absolutely nothing.
  • edited February 2018
    I hope Art’s not a betting man. Would be very afraid of seeing him shirtless one of these days.:)
  • @hank: "shirtless one of these days." I doubt it, I've been told he's worth over $10 million.
  • edited February 2018
    I'd have said 37.93 percent myself, but I'm not a professional prognosticator, so what do I know....
  • edited February 2018
    Should we test the recent lows, in the near term, Old_Skeet will most likely do some buying. If not I am happy with my current positioning. I'm thinking by year end stocks will be higher. And, again if not, I can live with that too. Stocks have earnings and the ability to grow their value through increasing earnings and revenue while bond values, on the other hand, are married more to interest rate adjustments. Through the years stocks have been one of the best hedges against inflation although, at times, a rise in interest rates can cause stocks to stumble. But, stocks seem more likely to recover and appreciate over time in an rising interest rate environment more so than bonds.

    In addition, building a CD Ladder also seems to be a good investment strategy in a rising interest rate environment.
  • edited February 2018
    Tomorrow your weather forecast is 30% chance of Sunshine, 40% chance overcast, and 30% chance of precipation.

    Its called covering your ***, because nobody knows whats going to happen next.

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