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FMI Funds fourth qtr report

edited February 2018 in Fund Discussions

Always like their honesty and openness. They do stick to their cooking, even though it is not always what people want to hear. I hold FMIJX


  • @slick: Enjoyed their commentary, but am not worried that the market will turn south for the remainder of 2018
  • edited February 2018
    Just saw in their new prospectus (Jan. 31, '18) that they've changed the wording around currency hedging from "The Fund may hedge ...." to "The fund generally hedges a significant portion ...." (emphasis mine)

    Leaving little doubt, apparently, that they won't be trying to catch much if any of the currency tailwind for foreign stocks that they've been fighting for the past year ... not a bad thing, necessarily, unless the U.S.$ is in a more secular decline, like the 2000-oughts. If that happens, it'd mean the fund will be sucking wind for some time.

    I've owned it since not long after inception, and think they're among the best stock pickers in the business, but I've trimmed it down considerably for now, until the markets revolve back into its sweet spot.
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