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M*: 10 Top Picks To Fight Inflation

FYI: After laying low for several quarters, inflation is again on investors' list of worries. This is reflected in the widening spread between the yield on 10-year Treasury bonds and 10-year Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities--the so-called break-even inflation rate--which is often viewed as a market-based proxy for investors' inflation expectations. After steadily falling to 1.66% in late June, the break-even inflation rate ratcheted wider over the back half of 2017 and so far in 2018; it was over 2% as of Feb. 9.

M*: Inflation-Protected Bond Fund Returns:$FOCA$IP.aspx


  • Per stuff I watch; "TIPS" remain asleep.
    And as you know, too; the best inflation fighter for a long term portfolio is the total return on the money, regardless of how it arrives.
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