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Favored Quant Trade Was Hit In The Last Bout Of Market Volatility: (USMV) - (SPLV)

edited February 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: As investors sift through the rubble from last week’s equity rout, a blemish has appeared on what had been one of the hottest trades among quantitative investors -- low volatility.

The approach ostensibly offered protection from equity gyrations by betting on stocks that have historically swung less than the overall market. But when the S&P 500 Index registered its worst week in two years, exchange-traded funds geared to low volatility sold off nearly as forcefully.


  • Everyone's misperception is that low vol funds will outperform in ANY high vol situation. The rout last week was a short-term vol spike (yes vol has ticked up and likely won't get back to the lows it was before, but it was still only short-term). This is just another example of the short-termism of many investors.
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