FYI: After nearly two years without one, the S&P 500 officially entered correction territory yesterday, falling 10.2% from its 1/26/18 all-time closing high. The current correction represents the 96th decline of 10%+ from a closing high that followed a gain of at least 10%. The chart below shows the magnitude of every prior correction for the S&P 500 since 1928. Not including the current period, the median decline for the S&P 500 in the 95 prior corrections was a decline of 16.4% over the course of 64 days. Keep in mind, though, that these are median levels. There have been a number of corrections (13) that saw declines of less than 11%, while several saw deeper declines of more than 20%. In terms of length, prior corrections have also been all over the map. Some have lasted as little as three days, while others have stretched on for well over a year.