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When is the Next Recession or Bear Market



  • I have to agree with Ted on this one. In my opinion anything over 10-12 maximum is just fooling yourself. At 100 you might as well put it into some total stock market fund and a total bond market fund and go enjoy your life. Why on earth would you pay all those management fees.
  • Zuky! Wow!. I think you win a prize here at MFO for having >100 funds. I think old skeet will be jealous:) . If you are with Schwab, why don't you work with them to help consolidate?
  • By the way, what are market indicators that you look at (or look for) that in put up red flags that a market crash (or recession or bear market, whatever you want to call it) is impending or will soon happen?

    I have some Youtube videos that I would like to post of some interesting speakers who share their thoughts. But I need time to compile them and follow up later. If you have some thoughts on what are indicators, please post.

    Also, what are some recommended actions that you would recommend, both pre-market crash and post market crash. I think we are long overdue for a recession and I have been watching a lot of Youtube videos which are scaring me and making me nervous about the market.

    My stock broker at UBS tried to calm me down last week saying that the world economy is in good shape and that there is nothing on the horizon which indicates a recession is impending (and therefore stock market crash) but the videos that I'll post, people say that there will soon be a really bad crash and recession this year (2018). Maybe Youtube videos are just histeria.

    For example, here is a video below but there are many more:

    I'll follow up with more later.
  • When it happens it happens. Best of luck if you want to try and time it.
  • @zuky1: Forget the videos and indicators, you need to focus on your portfolio !
  • Thanks Ted. You are right and I will do that.

    But in case you are interested in some videos:

    Market crash is coming 2018
  • Stock Market FREE-FALL 1600 Points! Here’s What TRIGGERED It and Why This Was Your Warning!

    February 2018 Market Crash Was A Warning Sign! You Will NOT Be Able to Sell!

    This CRASH Was Predicted Almost Perfectly in November 2017! Watch This.

    This CRASH Was Predicted Almost Perfectly in November 2017! Watch This.

    GLOBAL STOCK MARKET SELLOFF! Markets Tumble as Volatility Goes Haywire!

    How Do I Prepare for the COLLAPSE? Where Do I Put My Money if it Will CRASH?

  • zucky1: Sorry but I'm not going to waste my time with you. You appear to be a troll, and I will no longer reply to your posts
  • edited February 2018

    100 funds?

    Some may say that is way to many. From my perspective it might not be depending on the size of the estate. Take for instance if there is a limit on how much can be invested in any one fund. For instance a million in the market at a cap of $10,000 per fund would require the million be spread over 100 funds. I think a more reasonable cap would be $25,000 per fund which would equal 25 funds.

    I know I limit how mcuh exposure I have based upon how risky the asset class is. Generally, bonds are not as risky as stocks so my limit per bond fund is greater than a pure stock fund. And, my limit per hybrid fund falls somewhere in between.

    So, 100 funds (or invested assets) might indeed might not be too many based upon certain investment rules and gudelines of the estate.

    Now for my question. How do you go about managing an estate of 100 funds or invested assets? There certaintly has to be a rhime and reason behind and to do this.

    If you can not respond in short order to this question ... Then, I'm thinking you have to many funds and have massed a collection of funds over having a strategy consisting of many funds.

    Based upon the Utube links ... I'm now thinking Zucky1 is a troll.


  • @Old_Skeet: Good luck, don't say I didn't worn you ! I think we are dealing with a troll
  • @zuky1

    Pull out your $2,500 and put it in crypto.
  • edited February 2018
    Agree with Ted
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