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Tarot Card Reader says, I didn't see this coming! EBay wards off supernatural businesses

edited August 2012 in Off-Topic
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  • edited August 2012
    The only potion that I knew of that worked was "Love Potion #9"

    Does that mean E-bay will also ban people prognisticating on which direction the market will head (i.e. up or down), seems like that would also fall into the same category as astrology.

    I guess the benefits of the these things and others it gives you hope. And you need to have faith in something to have hope.
  • Accipiter,
    With the "wonder" of YouTube, I recently linked No. 9 to a much younger one than we; to note the never ending words written about the affliction of the emotional side of human nature, regardless of the seriousness or lack of; to the words used to "help".
    Huh............the power of suggestion, not unlike No.9; is enough for many, as human nature many be slightly (at least) or strongly swayed given enough time and the "right words".
    In the way back days, and finding myself at the tender age of 26 while working for a manager 8 years my senior; caused a power of suggestion, or what I have always noted as "planting seeds of thought".
    He was and still is a most bright thinker; and someone with whom I still have contact with today. He was not beyond frankly telling the company president that the centalized company policies (at the time) did not reflect an understanding of the reality of how the real world operated at the numerous regional and local offices around the U.S. This a most common mistake with many big business operations. However, tied to this nature of him; was a sometimes "I am the king" for the local operation of the office staff and numerous technicians. During a two year period when I was the "2nd in command" for the local operation; there were several occassions when an improvement could be made locally to the benefit of all functions. Through "planting seeds of thought" many of these changes came about. The task at hand was that I continued to offer very tiny pieces of information to him; and when he then felt that the idea was good enough and that it was "his idea"; the change would come about. Slow and patient manipulation of human natuer had taken place.
    As you noted about the "market visionaries" who attempt to guide the investors; the force may be powerful with our modern age of tv chat and the internet. The chatters who grind a mantra over and over.
    However, a similar strong force exists here where the discussions sort and throw the wisdom about a given investment to many directions; and hopefully readers may come to a better grasp of an investment vehicle and sort the pro's and con's to find whether such an investment fits there risk and reward pattern, based upon their place in the investment cycle (age, etc.). A positive form of "planting seeds of thought".

    ........been away for about a week from the investment world........hmmm; always something brewing, eh?
    Take care,
  • edited August 2012
    Ebay seems more focused on things like Redlaser and Paypal these days than auctions. It seems like they've upset a lot of sellers on the auction side with various rule changes and whatnot.

  • Hi scott,
    Our house has been a seller (and buyer, too) at Ebay since early 1997. Many seller rule changes from about 5 years ago in particular really changed eBay; and many large seller operations moved away to other auction sites or to run their own web sites.
    Ebay continues, however; to offer the widest exposure with more ease of monetary flow on a global basis, versus pre-PayPal days. One buyer (Germany) and myself misunderstood a purchase total. I offered an extra (early airlines paper wall poster), or free shipping or a cash rework (where one may send cash via PayPal). He chose the poster; but the ease of electronic cash was readily available. The fees for using PayPal are inline with most other similar offerings and surely this is part of the price paid for "piece of mind".
    The delays are gone for check clearing and related. Try waiting on a check or money order clear from Spain or Australia, let alone Hungary. Check clearing in the U.S. can also be a pain. My common request, pre-PayPal, is the most solid form of "good" payment; was a U.S. postal money order. But, this also places a burden upon the buyer for travel and time. PayPal changed all of this.
    While international shipping can be a pain in the butt; the exposure when selling "certain" items on a global scale can increase the end sell price by a substanial amount.
    Currently, we only accept PayPal for payment.
    Take care,
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