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  • Ted February 2018
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T. Rowe Price - 2018 Global Market Outlook

edited February 2018 in Fund Discussions
-Innovation and disruptive change continue to benefit a relatively small group of mega-
cap companies. Despite recent gains, valuations for these stocks still appear reasonable.

Technologies such as electric vehicles and autonomous driving suggest that the transportation industries could be next in line for rapid transformation

-For the first time since the global financial crisis, the world economy is in a synchronized
expansion, driving steady earnings growth in most markets.

Among developed equity markets, Europe and Japan appear more attractive than the U.S. based on improving economic fundamentals, diminished political risk, and potential upside for corporate earnings. Valuations are also modestly cheaper in Europe compared with the U.S.

-Barring unpredictable political or economic shocks, the global earnings recovery should
continue in 2018. However, year-over-year comparisons will grow more challenging.
-Whether recent low market volatility persists in 2018 remains to be seen, but we do not
believe low volatility in itself predicts that a significant correction is imminent
link to report:
2018 Global Market Outlook


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