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  • edited January 2018
    Thanks @catch22,

    Yes, it will be interesting to see how health care earnings are reported. About 10% of my equity money rides in health care with no spiffs in place. The health care hound has been on the move of late and with this I'm looking for some good reporting.

    Thanks again for making post of this.

  • @catch22 & MFO Members: In the next few days, I will reestablish a position in PRHSX. If you don't already own a health care funds, now's the time to get in.
  • @Ted. Nice to see you leap first!
  • Already pretty much full up here with health related. Will watch how things go this week with earnings and market reactions to add to either health or technology.
    Likely will off load FRIFX today as real estate is still struggling. Although FRIFX doing better than most R.E. with its high % bond exposure.
  • edited January 2018
    catch22 said:

    Already pretty much full up here with health related. Will watch how things go this week with earnings and market reactions to add to either health or technology.
    Likely will off load FRIFX today as real estate is still struggling. Although FRIFX doing better than most R.E. with its high % bond exposure.

    Not commenting on health care in particular. Just very wary of markets in general at this juncture. Maybe Trump can keep the current levitation going longer / higher. But as a senior with limited time horizon I’m inclined to seek shelter from possible tumbling rocks. FWIW

  • I am not familiar with the writer of this article; but she may add value to your thoughts in the healthcare sector.
  • Ted said:

    @catch22 & MFO Members: In the next few days, I will reestablish a position in PRHSX. If you don't already own a health care funds, now's the time to get in.

    @Ted - Did you pull the trigger yet?
  • I own VHT - good fund with very low fees.
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