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  • Hi @Maurice
    I know you have seen or review this list of category returns from M*. I shake my head looking at many of the YTD's knowing these could be for a full year, too. Amazing!

    Take care,
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  • edited January 2018
    @Maurice et-al

    Another similar and short write. Most of what is stated about growing investment wealth, with the suggestions being understood by most here; but we don't know how many young, new investors are lurking here to obtain knowledge.

    I will note again, two books of value, IMHO:
    The Power of Habit. About habits and how to overcome the bad ones..... Habits in general, likely effect the positive and negative aspects of individual investors decisions.

    The Millionaire Next Door The monetary data is old, but the techniques are timeless. The methods and habits of being "prudent" with one's money habits; which allows for having money to invest, which of course, provides benefits into the future; being help to educate a child, help with an aging parent or whatever else one may choose. An example I have used with a few young ones entering or forging through the workforce; is that the two (young married couple) don't really need a $5 coffee every work day. Build your own at home and buy a nice cup. Two folks X 2 coffees at $5 each X 5 days a week = $2,600/ year.

    Anyway, no big pile of money handed to us to start the investment path at this house. A good education, good work ethic and prudent spending habits. No, we did not miss a lot of the pleasures of living along the way.
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