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Super Bowl LII Indicator

FYI: The bull market may now be facing its ultimate threat: Tom Brady and the New England Patriots.

That’s because the Patriots are 5 ½ point favorites to win the Super Bowl on Feb. 4 and the venerable Super Bowl Indicator is bearish whenever the victorious team traces its roots — as can the Patriots — back to the original American Football League.


  • On the bright side, even though the Vikings didn't make it into the super bowl their stadium did.
  • Except for last year, all the other Pats years the market was flat or down.
  • When the Browns make the Super Bowl, I fully expect the market to collapse along with the global banking system and general law and order around the world.
  • Ryan, Collins, Brown and Warfield will all come out of retirement and suit up
  • All of those, plus Leroy Kelly were the exact players I grew up with. Of course, that was on the radio, and only rarely on TV as I recall.

    That's odd when I think about it. The pro teams and even college teams back then, were rarely on TV.
  • I think I recall watching them every Sunday afternoon, at least fall '64. This would've been Akron TV. Avoiding schoolwork, like all the other football boys.
  • edited January 2018
    Perhaps the "Tena-rotor" from our hilltop in Canton needed to be dialed in a bit.
  • edited January 2018
    My prediction and hope, Eagles 30 the other team 24.

    Plus, Brady, Gronk and the Hoodie all retire on Monday following the game.
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