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Hot Loan Market Not Living Up To Promises

FYI: Yields haven't kept pace with Treasuries. That's a problem given the way some companies burn through cash.

M* Bank Loan Fund Returns:$FOCA$BL.aspx


  • I sure must be missing something here. Since September leveraged loan funds have been in a real sweet spot with prices steadily rising. You would be making money there on a total return basis while losing in Treasuries. And YTD the rate of ascent has escalated. Aren’t yields suppose to decline as price rises?

    As for BKLN ETF it is a poor imitation of a bank/leveraged loan fund. One year, three year, and five year performance lags its open end brethren ala EIFAX by several percentage points in each time frame. Albeit YTD BKLN is actually performing well. This year I am using EIFAX as a cash substitute and doling it out as needed among my junk corporate, world, and multi sector fund. It has performed much better than I was expecting at the beginning of January. In fact, I am thrilled that much of Bondland is outperforming my expectations and off to a torrid start.
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