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Tax reform; list of companies, bonuses and hourly pay rate increases. Best investment areas?

This is the current list (below link) from this organization. What will the recipients do with this money? What investment sectors might find the greatest benefits from these monies?

Take care,


  • edited January 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Maurice, have you been able to discover the holdings in VGWAX? The Vanguard website shows the 10 largest, which is 14.5% of total. But if one digs for more details Vanguard tells you that this fund has no holdings of bonds or of stocks! Or of cash reserves either.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Thanks. I am interested in investing there but I don't want to duplicate (increase) investments in stocks that are already in other mutual funds in which I am a shareholder. I guess I'll just wait a while until they make the holdings public. What is interesting in the top 10 is how very different it is from the top 10 in the new Global Wellesley Fund.
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