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Middle Income share of American wealth shrinking......ya don't say? LIP


  • None here either. But have you noticed how a lot of the stuff in these articles is becoming cliche?
  • Hi Anna/Mark,

    Yeah, so much of this has been talked about for years in the finers circles (yeah, FA resembles that remark). That said, I did hear one political commentator yesterday refer to the 'celebration of ignorance' being marked by so many these days. If you want to tell me something based upon your beliefs - great. However, to pass off bs as truth and to deny scientific fact is what we're watching on Fox and listening to on AM talk radio.

    The middle class has been being exterminated for years now. The two routes were either via affordable public education or getting a job at the plant making cars. Oh, and you might also include the public sector in the form of civil servants at all levels of gov't.

    Well, let's see. Education has been privatized and made largely unaffordable to most without indenturing yourself for decades w/o even the option of bankruptcy. Most mfg jobs have been outsourced or simply rendered technologically obsolete. And, even the civil servants are being demonized by the politicians and PACateers.

    Alas and alack, I fear that without a viable middleclass, the glory days of America are over and there's a pretty decent chance will see, if not revolution, at least anarchy.

    Not sure about you all, but it pisses me off.


  • Yea, I'm old and from a generation that is still touched by the national anthem, thought the American love affair with science would never end, and worships the dirt beneath my feet that used to be American dirt. I don't know who the dirt belongs to since we will sell our soul for a piece of paper.

    And yes, it pisses me off too. I don't have children and I keep wondering about people who do have children but seem willing to throw it all away. Perhaps I believed I lived the American dream but really only got lucky. Maybe there never was opportunity or a special, special place The United States of America. Feel like a fool, I do! - but a tragic fool, not a comical fool.
  • The middle class was sold down the river with the repeal of the Glass-Steagell act. Culminiating with the too big to fail mentality which we are paying for every day. Believe it or not we are now under the rules of socialism.

    Have a good day comrades!!!

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