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Is Bruce Berkowitz Bailing On Sears Holdings?

FYI: In June, the Fairholme Capital head was upbeat on the retailer’s comeback. Now he’s selling stock.


  • Who's Bruce Berkowitz???

    Actually I see there is only 116 million in the allocation fund FAAFX, but strange to me, still 1.8 billion in FAIRX!!! Now that's dedication, I guess.
  • Isn't it late to sell after it lost majority of its value? Sears stores are closing everywhere. Where are Fairholme investors now?
  • edited January 2018
    Could be forced selling of the stock from fund shareholder redemptions now that Fairholme only has $1.8 billion left. The question is has the stock's weighting in the fund shrunk as a percentage of assets under management, not how many shares the fund has.
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