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TD Ameritrade: Retail Investor Exposure To Stock Market Is At An All-Time High

FYI: With U.S. stocks seeming to hit records by the day, perhaps its no surprise that investors are piling into risk assets in a nearly unprecedented way.

In the latest measure of optimism, TD Ameritrade’s Investor Movement Index rose to 8.59 in December, its second straight monthly record. The index measures the behavior of TD Ameritrade clients, aggregating their positions and activity to measure how they are positioned.


  • edited January 2018
    And the advertising for brokerages is getting up to pre-GFC levels, too. You know, the "trade anywhere, anytime!" commercials telling you that you can "be in control of things" ... we all know how that ended up the last time.

    I'm about 95% in equities across my accounts and am not selling anything even if a pullback comes ---- much as I despise my still-idling largeish cash position, I am reassured by its presence for use opportunisitically when things do turn south and these alleged 'in control" folks are dumping their shares "from anywhere, anytime!|
  • edited January 2018
    Bar maid at the local pub the other night was chirping about how her IRA has grown since she started investing 18 months or so ago. She was also Trumpeting the virtues of the current Pres. - who as I recall was publicly rather reticent about the equity market at half these levels - but who now foresees DJ 30,000 on the horizon.
  • Sentiment indicators worked very well in the 80 and 90s. Not so well since as they became so en vogue. The past many months ebullience is at all time highs on some of these indicators. I see it with a lot of hikers I interact with. Everyone now fancies themselves market experts and there is no way but up. I would love to see a severe stock and bond correction to reset all the lofty expectations. A dose of reality that markets can go down.
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