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Anybody Own This One? (HSGFX)

edited December 2017 in Fund Discussions
Looks like it’s going to end the year down more than 13%.



  • Probably not Hank, but who is going to admit it if they do???
  • However did I miss that one?
  • edited December 2017
    I guess he’s proven that nothing can go to zero. It appears that mathematically one could continue to lose 10% a year indefinitely. Why they might chose to do so is another matter.

    I’m currently occupied trying to fathom Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity. When I’ve got that one figured out, I’ll begin work on Hussman’s investment approach.

    Happy New Year everyone!
  • @hank- If you succeed with Einstein's Theory of Relativity you'll be in good shape for the next challenge: figuring out Ted's Theory of Posting Relativity. I've been working on that one for years now with no discernible progress. :)

    Have a great New Year!
    Best Regards- OJ
  • This decade's version of the Steadman Fund.
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