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Infrastructure ETFs See Slight Bump On Report Of Coming Trump Proposal: (PAVE- (IGF)- (TOLZ)

FYI: Exchange-traded funds tied to infrastructure-related companies have seen modest gains this week, following reports that President Donald Trump would make an infrastructure stimulus package a legislative priority next year, renewing a campaign pledge that had moved to the back-burner in his first year in office.


  • TOLZ has a volume of .... 602 today. Yeah, that's a useful investment to mention, Marketwatch.
  • edited December 2017
    We’re gonna cut taxes, save Medicare and Social Security, double the size of our military, go back to the moon, build a great wall and spend millions more on infrastructure. We’ll balance the budget as well.

    Guess you need to be smoking something really cool to believe all that.
  • edited December 2017
    @hank What's the problem? You just use other people's money. Maybe Russia will float the US a loan. Or, maybe Mexico will provide the funding and charge us to use the roads, rockets, walls, and military. (I'm not sure there is enough SS and Medicare money to pay outright but if we buy on time the pay-go can continue as an earmark for roads, rockets, whatever loan payments.)
  • edited December 2017
    Anna said:

    Maybe Russia will float the US a loan.

    Don’t laugh. Russia’s very big on infrastructure.

    On the other hand, don’t expect much help from our former allies.
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