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Global Investment Strategies - T. Rowe Price Global Allocation Fund

The first nine pages of this report provides a good review of their current thinking regarding global markets and their current investment strategy.


  • edited December 2017
    That fund, though new and somewhat costly imho, remains on my "interesting" list as a possible investment down the road ... and I like TRP's investment style in the other funds I hold of theirs.

    Thx for posting the report!
  • edited December 2017
    It’s about the closest T Rowe gets to having a hedge fund. Generally, they’re a pretty conservative outfit that steers clear of the exotic stuff. (They still don’t have a gold/precious metals fund). Not only does this one invest about 10% in a hedge fund (largely accounting for its higher fees), but it also hedges on its own thru options and other types of derivatives.

    I’m not recommending it. And it’s not for everyone. It’s had an unusually good year (I suspect due to the rebound in Europe) and so it’s beginning to command some attention. Thanks for the link @davfor
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