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Bitcoin Plunges As `Sharks' Circle In Key Test Of Cryptocurrency

FYI: Bitcoin’s plunge extended to almost 30 percent Friday as the frenzy surrounding digital currencies faced one of its biggest tests yet.

The world’s largest cryptocurrency approached $10,000 as this week’s selloff entered a fourth day with increasing momentum. It touched a record high $19,511 on Monday. Other cryptocurrencies also tumbled, ethereum dropped as much as 36 percent and litecoin slumped as much as 43 percent, according to composite prices on Bloomberg.


  • Bears cast doubt on the value of the virtual assets, with UBS Group AG this week calling bitcoin the “biggest speculative bubble in history.” Bulls argue the technology is a game changer for the world of investment and finance.
    Thus the quandary. Personally, I think this is the future of finance though there will be a lot of adjustments in the form of rules and regulations, winners and losers, to get to a final product. Cryptocurrencies? Blockchain? All new to me, but I guarantee people who understand it will develop this industry.

    So will the bears be, in retrospect, the same people that ended up saying, man I wish I would have invested in Apple in '90s or Amazon in the 2000s? I'm going to guess yes. To many very large companies getting involved.

    If things drop more I may make a Vegas-Bet.
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