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The Year's Top Stock Picker Is The Un-Trump Investor: (FSPTX)

edited December 2017 in Fund Discussions
FYI: Meet Charlie Chai, the 40-year-old Dartmouth graduate who joined Boston-based Fidelity Investments out of college in 1997. He runs the Fidelity Select Technology Portfolio from an office in Hong Kong, where he moved in 2011 because he wanted to be close to the market where the supply and demand for technology is growing faster than anywhere else.

M* Snapshot FSPTX:

Lipper Snapshot FSPTX:

FSPTX Ranks #6 In The (T) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • The man and his fund had a good year but longer term PRGTX (even w/o Apple) has done better. As he said, sometimes it's good to be lucky.
  • edited December 2017
    Where can we go to unTrump?. I’m front of the line.
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