FYI: (Taken from Investing in a World of Overpriced Assets (With a Single Reasonably-Priced Asset) -- Jeremy Grantham linked by davfor, scroll down)
Put yourself to the Joseph Stalin test. The man who dictated over the Soviet Union for more than three decades knew how to get results from people. If they delivered for him, they got perks — the pampered life at the top of the bureaucracy and a dacha in the woods outside Moscow. If they did not deliver for him, he shot them.
I am not advocating this kind of personnel management. But Jeremy Grantham, the Briton who founded GMO, a huge Boston-based fund manager, has come up with some fascinating findings by putting himself to the Stalin test. His question: what would he do if he was working for Stalin, and told to earn a real return of 4.5 per cent per year over the next 10 years? With his life at stake, and with almost every asset dangled in front of him looking expensive, he found the only answer was to make a big bet on the emerging markets.
Ted Financial+Times+How+emerging+markets+could+save+you+from+Stalin&oq=FT++ Financial+Times+How+emerging+markets+could+save+you+from+Stalin&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1894.6048.0.7197.