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VanEck: (LFEQ eft Fund) Risk Management For All Markets

edited December 2017 in Fund Discussions
Interesting and readable article. The last one caught my eye... As long term investors, we will spend 70% of time in a bear market or recovering from one:
Topics covered:

- An introduction to the importance of market breadth measurements
- The construction behind the Ned Davis Research CMG US Large Cap Long/Flat Index (NDRCMGLF)
- Risk management during bull and bear markets and navigating secular trends—only 54% of time spent in bull markets historically
- The merciless mathematics of loss; negative performance requires a larger percentage of returns than what was lost to break even
- 70% of time spent in a bear market or recovering from one

Also interesting is inflation's impact on real returns:
1966 to 1982 was a different secular bear experience. While the decline over the 16-year period was -1.5% annualized per year, it was a period that experienced high inflation. Therefore, while $100,000 declined to $78,520, after factoring in a real after-inflation return of -7.9%, $100,000 declined in spending value to just $26,801.
LFEQ has had a very short life (October of 2017)...we may need a bit more time to test this fund's mettle.


  • The reading is interesting but the fund is questionable imho.

    According to M* LFEQ is 80% in Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF (VOO) and 20% in cash. Not sure it's worth the .59 ER when holding cash is free and VOO is .04% ER.....
  • I hear you @rforno. Though one could rationalize a management fee for decision making the spread is a very nice management fee for the manager of this fund.

    Look at ROTAX (an Alphacentric fund that "manages" a rotation strategy)...ER of 1.62% invested 100% in VWO. And then there are those "managed fund of funds"... managed mutual funds that owns managed mutual funds.

    Buyer beware.
  • edited December 2017
    According to M* LFEQ is 80% in Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF (VOO) and 20% in cash. Not sure it's worth the .59 ER when holding cash is free and VOO is .04% ER.....
    I only skimmed the article, but what I think I see is you are paying the .59% for their systematic trend/risk process (expertise) for moving in or out of equities, not for an index ETF like VOO. That said, I'm personally not interested in any of these alternative-type funds. For every good one there are probably 20 that won't do any better then a typical balanced fund - probably worst.

    Been burnt a couple times on these alternative funds, so my stance is the same as George Bush's.

  • @Ted,
    My humble apologies...Nothing like a little egg-nog on my face...Cheers!
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