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How AI Will Invade Every Corner Of Wall Street

FYI: Machine learning, with its prowess in producing insights from data, is poised to have a hand in 99 percent of investing, CEO says.


  • edited December 2017
    It's about time Wall Street experienced some creative destruction.
  • Robotics don't need outsize bonus.
  • People need to remember that AI is best at doing two things - robotics and discovery. Both are done at the behest of and to the benefit of their owners. It is the discovery part that humans use to make innovations and is the part people fear the robots, if able to get married, might interbreed.

    I recall a colleague, a synthetic chemist researcher, telling me that he was totally offended by people developing AI because no computer could replace his creativity. This was in the 80s and showed the limits of his imagination. No amount of describing the human at the interface of limitless data discover could convince him that a machine that was "intelligent" could expand the scope and breadth of his own creativity. Machine learning was not even a subject except in the ether of AI researchers and science fiction writers.

    Maybe it took the money changers with wealth to be made to see the point and fly.
  • The interesting question is when Wall Street workers are displaced, will the same analysts and money managers who once waxed poetic about the glories of creative destruction and all the "waste" and inefficiency from having a taxpayer funded social-safety net and government regulations to protect labor suddenly change their tune?
  • AI has already taken over all major White House functions. Hold on... that may be a different type of AI...
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