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Why Stock-Market Rally Unlikely To Come Undone By Flynn News

FYI: It probably won’t be Michael Flynn, and his agreement to cooperate in the special counsel’s probe into whether anyone around President Donald Trump was involved in Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 elections, that derails a robust stock-market rally, investors and analysts said.


  • edited December 2017
    Sometimes I think if the mutually assured destruction scenario played out, these analysts would still be bullish, and, perhaps, they'd be right. It would be like Major Kong riding the bomb in Dr. Strangelove.
  • edited December 2017
    Brings to mind a thread a couple weeks ago. Bob Mueller was only #6 on the list of 7 potential trigger points I listed. After today, I think I may have underestimated him. To be clear, we’re not talking about destroying the economy or the equity markets. We’re simply speculating on what might cause this growing house of cards (the towering stock market) to fall back to earth. Monday should be enlightening. Let’s see how the futures look Sunday night after investors have a chance to “digest” all this.

    From November 14 thread:

    Re: “Most market crashes have a trigger and in a lot of cases that's unexpected”. Yes. Absolutely. Here’s a few potential triggers:

    High Yield Bonds
    Flattening or Inverted Yield Curve
    Rising Delinquencies
    N. Korea
    South China Sea
    Bob Mueller
    Any combination of the above

    (*A reference to Donald Trump, Jr, if you didn’t catch the humor)
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