FYI: Below is a snapshot of today’s “US Styles” category from our ETF Trends tool. As you can see, our proprietary Trend indicator shows that every single ETF in this category is in an uptrend (based on a 6-month price chart). All but two ETFs are currently overbought (OB) versus their 50-day moving averages as well. (In our trading range screen, the black vertical “N” line represents each ETF’s 50-day moving average, while the dot represents where the ETF is currently trading. The tail end represents where it was trading one week ago.)
The across-the-board “overbought” readings indicate that the US stock market is once again extended to the upside. So even though these ETFs are trading in long-term uptrends (a good thing), their Timing scores are mostly Neutral or Poor. This means that investors looking to add exposure to these ETFs might want to wait for a pullback to more “normal” trading levels.
Only two ETFs in this category currently have “Good” Timing scores — the Russell 2,000 Value ETF (IWN) and the Buyback Achievers ETF (PKW). Both of these ETFs are currently in uptrends but they’re not currently trading overbought.