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The Buyback Boost Goes Bye-Bye: @catch22

FYI: Buybacks have not only fallen out of style on Wall Street. They are quickly becoming faux pas.

"Nonetheless, most people on Wall Street think next year could be a bonanza for buybacks. That's mostly because of the Republican tax plan, which includes a tax break for companies that repatriate money they have overseas."
(This point was made by are own catch22 in an earlier discussion.)


  • edited November 2017
    At least for the period shown in the chart below, the "buy back" has not had an advantage to SPY . However, the international version has been fairly happy.

    PKW IKPW SPY below for March, 2014 to date.
    This is an active chart and updates each business day; if this site page is saved, one may visit in the future to observe results.,IPKW,SPY&n=943&O=011000

    Disclosure: We have not held, nor expect to hold any of these buy back issues.
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